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Seoul – Soup Kitchen

Planet Zoom-In

Seoul Soup Kitchen

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/planetzoom.in/

Effects of Rapid Growth

While development is crucial for any society,  sometimes we forget that this growth can actually harm people. South Korea is a prime example of a country with rapid growth, which inevitably leads to an increase in the homelessness and unemployment. In addition, South Korea is also an aging population, which means more elderly citizens – many of whom live alone and are unable to take care of themselves. 

The Dail Community

Make a difference volunteering at The Dail Community. Organizations like The Daily Community (DAIL), a Christian soup kitchen, has been serving free meals since 1988 with the goal to help the hungry with a loving and open heart.

What you will do there

Join Planet Zoom-in at DAIL’s soup kitchen to help prepare meals for anyone that walks in hungry. Prepare, cook, serve and clean! You’ll always be doing something different. While it can be hard work, nothing will warm your heart like seeing people enjoy the food that you help make. After every customer has received a meal, you’ll be able to enjoy your own portion with the other volunteers.

Dietary Restrictions

Seoul is a place that have many options for food, from barbeque to vegan and The Dail Community is no different. While at the soup kitchen you’ll notice that there are vegan options as well for you to eat during lunch. If you’re unsure about anything you can always ask a Planet Zoom-In staff member who will be there to assist you.


After all is said and now you will take pride in knowing that you’re making a difference simply by helping cook a meal. You can join Planet Zoom in making a difference one meal at a time! Join the other volunteers in helping out a community while traveling around Seoul. 

What people had to say

After visiting the soup kitchen, while feeling tired people still enjoyed their time in trying out something new, making friends, and helping out the community.

“It was so much fun meeting new people and being able to see all the work that goes into making the meals. It felt good seeing everyone with smiles on their faces as they ate the food that I helped make.”

“Although it was only a few hours, I was able to learn the mechanics behind what goes on in a soup kitchen and how volunteers really contribute to a lot of citizens’ everyday life. Food is a necessity for all and unfortunately, there’s a lot of people that don’t have the ability or access to it and so, soup kitchens are a great way to help the elderly, homeless, or just anyone in need.

I spent my time washing vegetables, while others were slicing, dicing, or frying. After all the food was prepared, we stood in a line to help serve the meal. As we were serving, there was a group of volunteers washing the dishes as soon as people were finishing up their meals. In the end, I heard that we served around 400 people! I thought that this was a good opportunity to give back to the community and make sure that those in need can get at least one warm meal.”


Let’s Cook!

Helping out those in need doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be fun, exciting, and a humbling experience. All you have to do is give it a try. Help out while still exploring Seoul and learning more about the history, social issues, and the humble people that are working hard together to make South Korea the travel destination that you know it as.

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